

Rumor has it...
Molly Sexton slings more than just books in Pine Valley — and she’s playing with fire…
Thanks to the town’s cranky busy body, Pine Valley spells “small-town charm” with a capital G-O-S-S-I-P.
Seth Spangler has had his sights set on Molly since she set up her dream bookstore in his small town. Unfortunately, he suffers from several Molly-induced side effects — including, but not limited to, speechlessness and internal pep talks that crash and burn in her presence.
Before the sexy firefighter can find the courage to spark Molly’s flame, twisted truths about their “relationship” spread like wildfire. With the gray-haired mafia on their side, late-night sleuthing commences — because rumor also has it the one-upping nosey old lady is hiding something, and Molly and Seth are determined to fight fire with fire.

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