

Do you know that leopard gecko needs extra humidity to keep the shedding skin soft and pliable?
Do you know that you can never grab leopard gecko by the tail?
Hi, my name is Daniel Christopher and I am a proud leopard gecko owner
The first time I had leopard gecko was for a birthday present
I fell in love with him at first sight but on the other hand, it was also like a nightmare
I didn't prepare anything, I didn't know anything about him, all I knew is that they were magnificent
I bought all the books I can get my hand to, searched the whole internet and so on
Fast forward to the present, now I can say that I know a lot about how to care leopard gecko
I don't want any leopard gecko owner to go through the same nightmare that I had
Thus, I created this book to help others
Inside you'll find:
-how to prepare your house for a leopard gecko
-the right diet for leopard gecko
-everything about pre killed prey
-all about breeding leopard gecko
-a special FAQ section
-and many more

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