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Ep 16: That's gotta be Riku!

Ep 16: That's gotta be Riku!

Time: 40:37
Join Cronus, Daralis, Rylie and their Kingdom Hearts obsessed friend Austin as he explains the games to them. Dragons and Furniture abound as they discuss the Return to The Land of Dragons and Beast's Castle
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Intro and Outro Song: Dearly Reminded by Ayano Ultra https://ayanoultra.bandcamp.com
Episode ID: 1000539233474
GUID: 668c815d-04c9-410c-879b-4ebaa948295d
Release Date: 21/10/2021, 02:00:00


Join Cronus, Daralis, and Rylie as their Kingdom Hearts obsessed friend Austin explains the series to them.

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